SRI Education researchers surveyed Promise High School students in spring 2024. Overall, 94 out of 94 students responded to the survey, for a response rate of 100%.

Download a full 2023-2024 item-level report here.

About the Displays

Most displays below summarize school means. Your school’s mean is represented by a closed circle. Other schools in the Engage New England initiative are represented by open circles. Circles for schools with similar values may overlap and not appear as separate circles. You can hover over your circle to see the precise mean for your school. You can also use the autoscale button at the top if you want to zoom in to the display. The home button at the top of these displays (represented by a house icon) will reset the display to its original settings.

Survey items addressing similar concepts were combined to create a high-level composite measure which we refer to as a construct. Constructs are identified in the displays. Not all survey questions fit into a construct. These individual items are grouped by topic below. For each construct and individual survey item, we include the construct definition or survey item and the response scale.

Sub-group reporting is also available for certain student demographics. To access this, click on the “Data by Subgroup” expander below each display. To maintain confidentially, results from groups with less than 4 respondents are not shown.

Student Charateristics

This section summarizes students’ background information based on survey respondents from your school. Since not all students who enrolled in your school responded to the survey, we are including this information so that you can have an overview of respondent characteristics, such as grade level, demographic background, age, and living situation. More importantly, please keep in mind that summary results in this report are based on self-report of a subset of students in your school. This subset of students may not be representative of the student population of the entire school, especially when the response rate is low.

The student characteristics tables use the shading scale seen below to help identify higher and lower concentrations of students within each group.


Primary Characteristics


Notes: Students can self-identify as more than one race/ethnicity. The percents may add up to over 100%.




English Learner

IEP or 504 Plan



Consistent Housing

Own or Rent

Notes: This question was not asked of students who indicated they currently do not have consistent housing.

Living Situation

Notes: This question was not asked of students who indicated they currently do not have housing (consistent or temporary).

Own Bedroom

Notes: This question was not asked of students who indicated they currently do not have housing (consistent or temporary).



Employment and Parental Education


Other Earners

Notes: This question was not asked of students who indicated they currently do not have housing (consistent or temporary).

Highest Parental Education


School Climate

Belonging and Positive Relationships

The sense of belonging construct represents the extent to which students feel accepted, respected, and valued by others in their school community.

The student-teacher relationships construct represents the extent to which students report positive relationships with the teachers at their school, including their perceptions that their teachers listen to them, care about them, and can be relied on for support.

Data by Subgroup





IEP/504 Status

English Learner


Highest Parental Education

Classroom Engagement Comfort Level

The classroom engagement comfort level construct represents students’ perceptions of their classroom environments, including the number of their classes in which they feel comfortable sharing their ideas, making mistakes, and asking questions when they do not understand something.

Students were asked for how many of their classes certain statements were true.